Tuesday, September 16, 2008

New Group: Varsity Fanclub

Upcoming R&B/Pop group, Varsity Fanclub, are destined for greatness. After appearing on ABC Family's The Middleman, I've been very interested in them. Their first single, Future Love, is one of favorite songs, with a great dance feel but well thought lyrics, its definitely a track worth listening to. Their debut self titled album, originally set for October, has been pushed back to an yet known early 2009 date. Until I get more information about the group and album/single news enjoy the these stream tracks!
Official Imeem Page

4 comment:

Anonymous said...

i dont think they have an imeem

Anonymous said...

yes they do.

Anonymous said...

OMG! They r sooo hot!!

Anonymous said...

omg there soo hot i luv all ur songs x pecailly zero,right back where we started and youll be ok!!!!